Thursday 25 March 2010

third double page spread analysis

This double page spread is slightly different to the others as it is an interview. I decided to analyse a double page spread with an interview as well as an article one because I may want to use this idea when creating mine.

The name of the artists is the biggest font on the page. This is good as it will stand out to the readers about who the page is about. There is no quote from the interview at the top of the page which is a convention however it does say ‘cash for questions’ This could mean that fans have wrote into the magazine to ask pink a question and pink has answered it for them. The colours on this page are very boring and not very eye-catching. The only colours other than black and white are on the main image however the main image still does not have many colours on it, readers could find this boring and not very appealing to them.

The main image is of Pink. The ring in her nose gives the impression she is rebellious however the expression on her face for example her smile makes her look quite innocent. Pink is normally known as rock queen which have the ideology of hard people however she looks the complete opposite to this in this picture. This may attract more readers as she is not normally seen like this therefore the interview could be interesting. This double page spread doesn’t obey all of the convention and isn’t that appealing with the colours and the fonts are quite boring however Pink is a well known artist therefore it still may catch a lot of readers eyes.

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