Thursday 25 March 2010

This is another example of a contents page from a music magazine. Just like the contents page from the NME magazine it uses similar colours (red, black, white).
The white yet again works well as a background for other coloured text to be placed on top. However like the NME magazine it only includes one big photo and one little photo, this means that there is more text which makes it looked very packed and not that easy to read.

I like the way the editor has put the page numbers and what the magazine features down the left side of the page. In the bottom right hand corner there is a box which says ‘the worlds biggest and best music guide’. This is important information especially for attracting new or existing readers as they need to know it’s the best magazine for music guidance, the colour of the box stands out to the rest of the page in a way as it is blue however the colour is light therefore is not one of the things you may look at straight away.

At the top of the magazine it has the name of the magazine, the page in which the reader is viewing (contents) and also has the date, issue number and the web address. This is something else that is handy to add into a contents page as it is at the top of the page where the title and the magazines name is which could draw more readers into reading it, letting them know it’s a rather big magazine company having its own website(institutions).

This magazine obeys the conventions of a contents page however does not feature a picture of the editor or a message form the editor as a lot of magazines do.

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