Friday 16 October 2009

This magazine is aimed at school children’s parents this is because the information on the magazine cover talks about how to help your child/kids. For example ‘Help your child transition from summer to school’ . The magazine is very colourful which draws people into the magazine. Each different bit of information about what is inside the magazine is in a different font, colour and size. I don’t think this magazine is one that parents have to buy as it does not include a price or a bar code. It doesn’t have much of a date line either it only states the year it was issued in this shows that this magazine only comes out once a year, which is after the summer. There are many cover lines which makes the magazine seem interesting and full of information. You can tell from looking at the front cover that magazine is not aimed at college students as the main image is a girl which doesn’t look old enough to be a college student. Within the cover lines of the magazine cover it refers to the school pupils as kids and children which at college you are no longer known as, you are known as a adult. Also the fact that the magazine is aimed at parents and by the time you get to college you don’t really have your parents holding your hand anymore, however the young girl is not wearing a uniform which could indicate that she is a college student. The title of the magazine is ‘back to school’ this obviously means that the magazine is about getting children back into the school mood and isn’t about college. This magazine obeys the conventions and tries to add as many as possible.

The girl is on a white background this could be so she stands out more, they want to draw the reader in to the fact that it is about school children. She also has black her therefore makes her stand out even more especially on a white background. On her back is a rucksack like one a school pupil would take to school. There is only a little bit of the bag showing in the photo however is quite close up which draws the readers attention into the bag. The same goes for the book in her hand. This book could be to do with her work, like a writing pad. Most students normally carry around a notepad or a folder so this is showing a typically thing that a student would do. The fact that she has got an ice cream on the front of her book could mean that she is only young therefore still likes things like that which are colourful and interesting on her folder instead of a plain bog standard folder/pad. Her hand is rested on top of the pad which draws your attention to the pad and is one of the first things you look at, this is also due to the way she is stood as the front of her body is behind her book so when looking at the front of her body you see the notepad too.
The fact that she has no uniform could mean that the school doesn’t have a uniform and lets the pupils wear their own clothing which means that they have a relaxed attitude towards education, this can make the pupils feel more themselves.

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