Wednesday 21 October 2009

This is a sports magazine and is aimed at college students in who play the sport basketball. I know this becuase the mast head is 'college basketball'. It is not just for one certain college or school becuase if it was there would be a college or school name on the magazine and there isnt, also in the top left hand corner there is a box which says Althlon Sports which refers to sports as a whole not just basketball at one college and underneath it says 'Americas premier sports annuals'. This could mean that there are many of other sports magazines for different sports, it also says 'Americas premier sports annual' which talks about America as a whole not just one part or America or one college in America. The magazine is one you buy and is obvioulsy an American magazine therefore the price is in dollars at $6.99. There is a bar code on the magazine which could mean that the magazine is sold in a shop whether it is a supermarket, corner shop or a sports shop. The bar code is in its usually position which is in the bottom right hand corner and within the bar code is the price and the date of when the magazine can be displayed until. There is also a website for the magazine.

There is no issue number on the magazine however underneath the masthead it says '2009-2010 preview' which could mean that the magazine is only issued once a year. This could be because after the season of basketball has finished there are tips and things to look out for in the next year(2009-2010) which is proven in the first civer line on the left '10 things to watch in 09-10'. Also they may be recruting new players for certain teams for the new season starting which is proven in the selling line at the top of the magazine as on the very right of the selling line it says 'recruiting'.

The main image is an image of a coach of a University called Kentucky. I know this because the underneath the main cover line it says 'Kentucky head coach John Caliparia'. The main cover line says 'The cult of Caliparia' which also proves that the main image is about John Caliparia. If the maincover line and the bit underneath it did not say who he was and what importance he had i still would think he was high up in a team, this is because he is wearing a shirt/polo shirt not a basketball tank top which makes him look more professional and better then the players. I can tell that he is proffesional as the buttons on his top are all nearly done up and they are not hung open all slouchy, also his short is very clean and has no creases therefore he cares about what he looks like and has presicion so he can look more proffessional as possible and that he is serious/commited about his job.

I think that the colours in the magazine are very simple(red,blue,white and black) however the magazine does not need colour to appeal readers to buy it this is becuase it comes once a year so most people who normal like to read are going to buy it whether the colours are bright or not.
The magazine obeys the conventions of a magazine cover however does not use all of them enough for example there are not enough cover lines to tell you about what is going to be in the magazine. This can make it not as appealing to people buying one.

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