Friday 18 December 2009

Analysis of front cover

Q is an institution and also is the UK’s biggest selling music magazine and the world’s best music guide. It is published monthly within the United Kingdom however does get sent out to other countries e.g. Spain for foreign tourists. This magazine is aimed at males and females, young and the older generation. The mast head is the usually the name of the magazine and in this case the mast head is the title of the magazine. It is the biggest font of text within the cover therefore stands out from the rest of the text. The colour of the mast head also makes it stand out as it is a white capital Q on top of a red square which contrast each other. The reason why they chose the colour red for the masthead could be because red is a passionate colour which means they are passionate about their music inside the music magazine. Also the font of the mast head makes the Q look very classy which also could mean the information inside the magazine is classy. In the left hand corner of the mast head is a sort of cover line which states that there is a ‘196 bumper page inside’, this attracts the reader to the magazine as the reader knows they will be getting their moneys worth as there is extra information and gossip.

Just in front of the right side of the mast head is the main image, the main image is of Madonna. Madonna is known as the best-selling female rock artist of the 20th century which could also add to the fact that’s she is slightly in front of the mast head as she could think she is too good or better than Q magazine. The picture shows Madonna slightly hiding behind her hood. This represents her as shy and doesn’t usually appear on the front of magazines. She is represented with her body/skin covered up with clothing for example her hands are mostly covered up with gloves which could insinuate she doesn’t like to reveal herself to the public that much and likes to keep herself and life private.

The main cover line is also about Madonna therefore the main image and the main cover line connect together. The main cover line is in big capital, red bold letters which stands out from the rest of the magazine, because of the main cover line being so big it could mean that she doesn’t usually appear on magazines like this and it is something big for the magazine and would interest lots of the readers. Also the fact that main cover line is red could mean the magazine is passionate about Madonna especially with her being so well known and loved by the world.

In the top right hand corner of the front cover are some cover lines. It states that inside the magazine there is information about certain celebrities ‘Arctic monkeys-in a club’. These three cover lines are also in red which could insinuate the meaning of passion for the artists again. Another cover line Is underneath the mast head on the left side of the magazine cover with some big artists/bands/ groups and underneath their names it says ‘all interview’ this is good as the reader knows the magazine doesn’t just interview one of them it is all of them and they are a selection of genres of music so can suit a variety of people.

At the bottom of the page there is a cover line that says ‘free inside!-70 page special, women in music’ This is good to attract readers as they will know they are getting their moneys worth as they are getting extra information free, it is also good because it is aimed at women however this could seem biased towards men. Also below this cover line it states 7 of some well known artists therefore readers will be more willing to buy the magazine as there is artists that are quite well known instead of some that are not that well known which can be boring.

I think this magazine obeys the conventions of a music magazine. It is jam packed full of information which draws the reader in to buying it and is also colour which catches the readers eye. Everything is in the right place and can be seen the box which contains the bar code also includes the price of the magazine, the issue number and the website for the magazine. This is a lot of information packed into one box itself.

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